Dual-study program in industrial engineering

Roth (B.Eng.)

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Information on the dual-study program

On the dual Bachelor's degree course in Industrial Engineering, you will acquire both engineering and business management skills. The alternating practical phases at the Roth site offer you insights into various departments relevant to your studies. Through the practical experience you gain, we promote your personal development and also support you in finding your future career path after graduation.

The course lasts 3.5 years. The theoretical phase takes place at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences and the practical phase at LEONI's site in Roth.

After completing your studies, LEONI will open up many interface areas between technology and business to you. Examples include project management, process engineering, production and innovation management.

You can find more information on the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences 

Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen | Hochschule Ansbach (hs-ansbach.de)

What you will bring to this role

  • General university entrance qualification or technical college entrance qualification
  • Strong performance in mathematics, physics, and economics
  • Good English and IT skills
  • Interdisciplinary thinking ability and enthusiasm for technology and business
  • Interest in assignments at LEONI locations abroad
  • Sense of responsibility, resilience, teamwork, independence, and flexibility

Reasons to opt for a dual-study program with LEONI

Attractive remuneration

Financial independence thanks to attractive, performance-related remuneration with vacation pay and Christmas bonus in a company where pay is protected by pay-scale agreements (IGM)

Grade-based bonus
Grade-based bonus

Grade-based bonus of up to € 500 per semester for especially good performance at university

Flexible working
Flexible working

Flexible working through flexitime and the option of working from home / mobile working

Exciting tasks
Exciting and interesting tasks

Exciting and interesting tasks during the dual-study program, including in our own Junior Company

Further employment
Further employment

Best opportunities for the future through preparatory practical assignments

Progression & support

Targeted progression & support during and also after the dual-study program


Individual support from mentors to help you get started

Equitable Work-Life
Equitable Work-Life

35 hour week and 30 days annual paid leave


Regular excursions
Regular excursions

Regular excursions and projects at LEONI sites in and outside Germany


Get to know us personally

We pay regular visits to colleges and universities and can be found at recruitment fairs across Germany. We may be heading your way soon. Take advantage of the opportunity to get to know us as employers and to find out first-hand what opportunities for joining LEONI and establishing and developing your career await you.
Discover our events now. 


Why not apply using our online portal. We look forward to meeting you. 

The following Training & Dual Studies Team in Roth will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Vocational training and dual students

+49 9171 804-2422

+49 9171 804-2285


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