My story at LEONI
My name is Andrea, and I have been working for LEONI since 2018. My first job was in Corporate Controlling, but just 6 months after I joined LEONI I embarked on an internal transformation program, as part of which I took on the role of Finance Manager. What did this mean for me?
- All finance-related tasks (analyses, calculation of savings) were my responsibility.
- Coordination with the management teams from our plants and corporate functions
- ...and ultimately the responsibility for the entire program. I oversaw coordinating with the heads of the individual work packages, such as the Operations section and Purchasing. I also provided the interface with the internal corporate bodies such as the Executive Board and Supervisory Board and vis-á-vis the outside, with the capital market.
But this was only the start of my exciting and varied journey because as early as 2020 I was additionally assigned the role of Head of Calculation Support. My main tasks in this role included harmonizing calculation processes, introducing comprehensive standards, and transferring the results to our partner departments, such as Development and Sales.
Since 2021, I have been responsible for LEONI's global Sales Support.
This is my job
Here, my team and I perform all the support and back-office work for our global sales, such as costing support, sales administration, marketing, and much more.
So perhaps you are now thinking this primarily involves SAP evaluations and Excel? There’s much more to it! – I am the primary contact for all matters concerning sales, which is an incredibly dynamic setting. Regular coordination with the Executive Board, multifaceted meetings with customers at the highest level, first port of call for our corporate claims management and managing our Ukraine Task Force. We were one of the first companies in Germany to create such a task force when the war broke out at the end of February 2022. The task force immediately set about its work with total commitment and worked around the clock to achieve the best possible outcome for our Ukrainian colleagues, our customers and the company as a whole in this exceptional situation.
My job in a nutshell?
The range of my tasks and activities is incredibly wide – I cannot at present imagine a more varied job with more potential to effect change and more creative leeway for myself.
My daily routine
Start of the day
I usually start my day with a quick espresso at home before heading for the highway to Kitzingen. While driving, I listen either to a variety of business podcasts if possible or I make my first calls to my team and my colleagues in China and India. It doesn't matter whether I’m talking to colleagues or executives, the interpersonal aspect is always extremely important to me. Alongside our regular meetings, I therefore always cultivate informal discussion (face to face or virtual coffee) to understand what concerns and motivates my colleagues in their professional and private lives.
In the morning, I focus on getting up to speed with the teams. We discuss day-to-day business, current problems, and possible solutions but we also talk about in-house projects for the future. To give an example: we are in the process of establishing a global costing database and are thinking about how to integrate and digitize the interfaces with other departments, such as Purchasing and Development. Going forward, this database will help our sales colleagues worldwide in largely automating product costings and in creating internal benchmarks. But we also discuss which events or tech days our Sales Marketing will attend and which prototypes and products we want to market to customers in the near future. So, as you can see, my segment has a very broad and varied base, and it presents an extremely diverse array of issues.
Lunch break
Between 12 noon and 1 p.m. is “lunch break” (if time allows). I enjoy going to our canteen in Kitzingen, with the appealing name “Kupferkessel” (copper kettle). It always serves fresh and regional products with frequently changing menus. As a pleasant side-effect I repeatedly meet many colleagues from different departments there without prior arrangement, which also allows us to discuss issues informally.
My afternoons are usually really busy because there are so many meetings. My various teams have many points of contact with all kinds of departments, for example Accounting, Purchasing or the shop floor. On top of this, there is a whole variety of special topics, such as the contribution of Sales to our internal performance program or the Ukraine Task Force.
In the late afternoon and evening I can usually be found in my office working through emails, analyses, invoices, or other to-do lists. But I always also try to take the time to meet with my colleagues in the office and to talk to them directly about the issues because sharing information within the department is extremely important to me! Our kitchenettes and generous open spaces also provide a lot of space and opportunities for having conversations.
Back onto the highway! My evening begins after the last phone calls with my teams in Mexico and the U.S. Back home, I swap my office outfit for sneakers and go running or out for a walk – the exercise does me good! Occasionally I prepare presentations for the Executive Board or Supervisory Board and plan my next day.
My highlights
Right from the outset, I made big and rapid steps forward. In 2019, after just one year, I took overall charge of our transformation program. One of our goals was to achieve big savings over the long term, and during this time I began every working day by looking at our tracking system. At the end of 2020 the moment then came: we reached the magical savings threshold, and that one year earlier than planned! I was incredibly proud – of the entire transformation team, of us as an organization and of our more than 1,000 colleagues. Thanks to their great support and passion we were able to implement the individual initiatives and ideas successfully. From Mexico to Serbia and China and truly across all parts of our value chain ... we have created a great “gearbox” in which everything now interlocks.
Through this success, we have demonstrated that we stand firmly together during a crisis, and that we tackle it. To duly celebrate this great milestone, I organized a surprise party for all project managers as a thank-you. For me, this was an incredibly valuable and amazing moment that I was able to share with many wonderful colleagues.
My view of LEONI as an employer
My impression of LEONI as an employer is an exceptionally favorable one. Its impressive global presence with more than 100,000 employees in almost 30 countries and its significance as a player in the German automotive industry fascinated me from the outset. The variety of our products, especially the cable harness that is required in all manner of cars, has additional appeal for me because they can be part of sustainable mobility.
Personally, it was the open and collegial working environment in which every individual can make a difference that won me over. The introduction of desk sharing in early 2022 and the flexibility of mobile working underscore the positive transformation in our corporate culture. I especially appreciate the open-door policy, be it physically in the office or virtually when working from home.
Overall, LEONI can be briefly and succinctly described as dynamic, enriching, and challenging.
My tips for future colleagues
Do you want to take on responsibility and forge ahead with your ideas and projects independently and boldly?
Do you enjoy communication of all kinds, with your colleagues at our facilities, in logistics, purchasing, and in many more areas?
At the same time, do you enjoy setting and achieving shared goals and successes in cooperation with our customers and partners?
Are you ready for many different challenges, both great and small, and do you always look forward to the new and unknown?
If your answer is yes, as far as I am concerned this means: challenge accepted!